Lighten your hair with lemon juice

| Saturday, December 22, 2007
When it is sunny out apply lemon juice onto your hair. Stay out in the sun for an hour or so and then wash it out. Remember to condition because the lemon juice will dry out your hair. The lemon juice will naturally lighten your hair and give you blonde streaks.

Best Exercise Method to lose weight

| Thursday, December 20, 2007
You don't have to buy a machine to help exercise nor go to the park to do something. All you need is do drill like soldier you know? Your leg must go up 90 degrees with your hand swinging up and down. You just need to do this in your position without moving anywhere for 5minutes. OK

Play video games to lose weight

| Monday, December 17, 2007
Playing game such as Dance Dance Revolutions, Eye Toy, or the Nintendo Wii are great ways to lose some weight. Not only are you losing weight but you are having fun while doing it.

Eat spicy foods and lose weight

| Tuesday, November 27, 2007
If you have a slow metabolism and you want to help speed it up, eat spicy foods and spicy sauces. Spicy foods tend to speed up your metabolism, causing you to lose weight.This works well with me. Spicy food normally irritate my stomach and often defaecate. This helps to remove many toxics and unwanted waste.

Drink Green Tea

| Saturday, November 17, 2007
Strong evidence shows that by drinking Green tea you become slimmer by burning fat and calories.(my mum prove that) Green tea is easy to add to your daily routine because all you need to do is just drink it. Moreover green tea also clean toxic and waste from your body. Tea is very reactive towards fat, you may try to take some oily thing and clean it with green tea,it will be less oily.